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CMFCButton::SetImage MFC按钮

爱车车 发表于 2011-9-26 10:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要:关于CMFCButton::SetImage MFC按钮的深入研究。
  1.   //Windows logo 图标 放到按钮上
  2.   HICON hIconWinlogo= ::LoadIcon(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,(LPCTSTR)IDI_ICON1);
  3.   //Home图标
  4.   // HICON hIconHome= ::LoadIcon(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,(LPCTSTR)IDI_HOME);
  5.   //关闭图标
  6.   HICON hIconClose = ::LoadIcon(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,(LPCTSTR)IDI_RED_CLOSE_BOX);
  7.   ((CMFCButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_CALC1) )->SetImage ( hIconWinlogo ); //"计算"按钮
  8.   ( (CMFCButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_CALC2) )->SetImage ( hIconWinlogo ); //"计算"按钮
  9.   ( (CMFCButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_CALC3) )->SetImage ( hIconWinlogo ); //"计算"按钮
  10.   ( (CMFCButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_CALC4) )->SetImage ( hIconWinlogo ); //"计算"按钮
  11.   ( (CMFCButton *)GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL) )->SetImage ( hIconClose ); //退出
  12.   CMFCButton::SetImage
  13.   Sets the image for a button.
  14.   Copyvoid SetImage(
  15.   HICON hIcon,
  16.   BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE,
  17.   HICON hIconHot=NULL,
  18.   HICON hIconDisabled=NULL,
  19.   BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE
  20.   );
  21.   void SetImage(
  22.   HBITMAP hBitmap,
  23.   BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE,
  24.   HBITMAP hBitmapHot=NULL,
  25.   BOOL bMap3dColors=TRUE,
  26.   HBITMAP hBitmapDisabled=NULL
  27.   );
  28.   void SetImage(
  29.   UINT uiBmpResId,
  30.   UINT uiBmpHotResId=0,
  31.   UINT uiBmpDsblResID=0
  32.   );
  33.   Parameters
  34.      [in] hIcon
  35.   Handle to the icon that contains the bitmap and mask for the new image.
  36.   [in] bAutoDestroy
  37.   TRUE to specify that bitmap resources be destroyed automatically; otherwise, FALSE. The default is TRUE.
  38.   [in] hIconHot
  39.   Handle to the icon that contains the image for the selected state.
  40.   [in] hBitmap
  41.   Handle to the bitmap that contains the image for the non-selected state.
  42.   [in] hBitmapHot
  43.   Handle to the bitmap that contains the image for the selected state.
  44.   [in] uiBmpResId
  45.   Resource ID for the non-selected image.
  46.   [in] uiBmpHotResId
  47.   Resource ID for the selected image.
  48.   [in] bMap3dColors
  49.   Specifies a transparent color for the button background; that is, the face of the button. TRUE to use the color value RGB(192, 192, 192); FALSE to use the color value defined by AFX_GLOBAL_DATA::clrBtnFace.
  50.   [in] hIconDisabled
  51.   Handle to the icon for the disabled image.
  52.   [in] hBitmapDisabled
  53.   Handle to the bitmap that contains the disabled image.
  54.   [in] uiBmpDsblResID
  55.   Resource ID of the disabled bitmap.
  56.   [in] bAlphaBlend
  57.   TRUE to use only 32-bit images that use the alpha channel; FALSE, to not use only alpha channel images. The default is FALSE.
  58.   Example
  59.      The following example demonstrates how to use various versions of the SetImage method in the CMFCButton class. The example is part of the NewControls Sample: MFC Controls Demonstration Application.
  60.   VBC#C++F#JScriptCopyCMFCButton m_Button;
  61.   ...
  62.   // int m_iImage
  63.   // IDB_BTN1_32, IDB_BTN1_HOT_32, IDB_BTN1, IDB_BTN1_HOT are int macros that are #define.
  64.   if (m_iImage == 1)
  65.   {
  66.   m_Button.SetImage((HBITMAP) NULL);
  67.   }
  m_Button.SetImage(IDB_BTN1_32, IDB_BTN1_HOT_32);
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